Marketing with 3D Virtual Spaces (self-hosted) - interactivity, multimedia and gamification create a new relevance in the customer experience


Worth seeing 3D product presentation with configurator and sound effects


Everything is in 3D here - the renderings, the product touchpoints and also the VR version

Swiss perfection

There is hardly a better way to integrate a 3D virtual space into the website - a video experience worth seeing with a unique menu navigation


Small solution with 2 positions that put the focus on the brand and product


Digital communication and presentation platform with chat, live stream and AR


To virtual showrooms and 3D product presentations
Why do I need a Virtual Showroom?

the Virtual Showroom is our answer to the new challenges in digital business communication.

Because we are currently experiencing – 50 years after the change to the service society – another dramatic change towards Experience Economy. The focus is on the customer experience.

By enabling more and more interchangeable products and services – be they cars, machines, travel or entertainment unique customer experiences the successful differentiation in global competition: "Creating something unique and valuable for customers that they want to spend their money on is only possible with an outstanding customer experience."

With the Virtual Showroom we offer an exciting solution that is unique Product Experience credibly staged in an animated and interactive spatial setting.

Because the Virtual Showroom can do more than just display links to data, facts and images on square tiles. The Virtual Showroom creates a spatial and atmospheric experience in which products and brand are interactive explore playfully to let. Light effects, texture, sound, animation and movement create a interaktive Multimedia User Experience, which will make a positive impression on your customers' minds.

What are the use cases for a virtual showroom?

The common ones Use Cases are presentation, onboarding, e-learning, communication and e-commerce.

1. Presentation | A digital exhibition space independent of time and place and also a comparatively inexpensive multimedia show with video, sound, live stream, chat, AR, VR, interaction, configuration and 3D. Present your range clearly and with a wide range.

2. Onboarding | An onboarding solution for visitors, customers, trainees and employees. E.g. for product onboarding, location onboarding, company onboarding - immersive and entertaining, the content is better remembered. An entertaining presentation to get to know the company, to get an overview of the product portfolio or to be inspired virtually.

3. E-Learning | Can of course also be combined with 2nd onboarding. Transform your virtual tours into comprehensive learning and testing tools - infinitely scalable and with gamification content that sticks in your head. Typical game elements are available, such as discovery hotspots ("Treasure Hunts"), question and quiz cards, integrated point system, reporting system and LMS integration (Learning Management System).

4. Communication | Integrate video conferencing, live stream, chat or a chatbot or the interactive Notes function. Notes are great for collaboration, for more efficient feedback loops in teamwork, customer feedback, project management, and e-learning. here you can learn more about the Notes feature.

5. Ecommerce | The integration of shop systems such as Shopify promises a kind of metaverse shopping. Expand the exhibition area, open 24/7 around the globe and present in multimedia, in 3D and with AR effects if desired.

What content can I show in the Virtual Showroom?

The showroom can be classic as 360° Panorama Tour be implemented, but also as interactive 3D Experience or as Immersive Video-Experience.

In the showroom can over interactive touch points Content can be made available for retrieval or also integrated visually. Retrievable content can be next Text also classic website content, such as Photos, videos and PDFs being.

Furthermore, interactive online content such as Cards, Websites, Quiz Cards, Shop Products, 3D Views, AR projections and much more include Besides are also Contact forms, calendars, e-learning (LMS) or surveys possible.

with Live stream videos, chat functions or video conferencing the presentation tool becomes a communication tool.

Even if you have hesitated for various reasons to equip your company's website with the above tools and enrich it with multimedia - in the Virtual Showroom do you have the possibility and can do everything digitally use, test and try outwhat you have always wanted.

How does the virtual showroom get to the customer?

The Virtual Showroom works as a Stand alone solution, so to speak as your own website, offline solution or app or as a Website or Website-Embed in your online presence.

The online solutions can be found next to the website Social Media, Newsletter or QR-Codes on Print or On Location share. Also available as online or offline solutions Touchscreens.

The virtual showrooms can be optimized for all devices, Mobile, Desktop, Tablet and also for VR glasses as an interactive 3D experience.

How is the project flow?

A virtual showroom is developed together in the following 6 project steps:

1. Concept Design | Content - target groups - interactions

2. Set Design | Graphics - content - design

3. Virtual Design | UI/UX - Interactions

4. Prototype | Testing - Feedback

5. Integration | Playout - Hosting - Analytics

6. Go Live!

How much does a virtual showroom typically cost?

We work with 3 typical size classes - Basic | Plus | Pro - and then the question arises whether we render individually or also photograph or whether we work with templates.

1. Basic | from approx. EUR 8,000 plus VAT | Small presentation with simple communication and touch functions

2. Plus | from approx. EUR 16,000 plus VAT | More complex solution with e.g. configurator or e-learning function

3. Pro | from approx. EUR 24,000 plus VAT | Custom rendered, digital communication and presentation platform with multiple products, AR, chat, live stream and analytics.

The Templates are natural reusable and can build on each other, so over a period of 3 years you can gradually move from the simple basic solution to the pro version.

How does hosting work and how much does it cost?

We offer the following options for hosting:

1. Selfhosting | When the project is completed, we will send you the data so that you can host the virtual showroom yourself.

2. Hosting bei MESH IMAGES | Alternatively, we can take care of the hosting for you. We use the servers of the ISO 27001 certified All-Inkl data center in Dresden.

3. Offline file | It is also possible to provide an installation file for offline use.ö

Our hosting and file support starts at EUR 300 net per year. The hosting costs also depend on the number of hits, data volume, additional features such as video conferencing, chat or notes and the desired analytics.

I have more questions, how can I get the answers?

Very simply via the following contact form or the chat here on the page and of course also by e-mail Email and Telephone.

Do you have interest?

Then please contact us via the contact form or directly via the chat function here on the page


Design the configurable according to your ideas and share the draft via email


Your event - your guests - your world - live events in an individual 3D space for marketing, sales and networking


The dynamics of a live panorama captivates the viewer and invites them to linger


Question Cards, Count to Score and Hidden Hazards with a direct connection to the LMS system


This virtual space with narrator voice and auto-pilot is a real lean-back experience


Individual 3D museum room with oversized exhibits - including auto-pilot with audio guide


The integration of shop systems such as Shopify turn the showroom into a salesroom